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Shot of a resident and a nurse outside in the retirement home
Seniors Helping Hands Care Planner

Let us help you find the care you need. We can recommend services based on your needs a member of our care team can further customize the care that's right for you and your loved one. Whether you wanted to do a load every day or once every few weeks, doing laundry is an important aspect of living that makes sure you look your best or feel the best.

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Seniors Helping Hands Care Planner

At Seniors Helping Hands, one of the services we offer to elderly clients is regular laundry assistance. We understand that little things can seems overwhelming and can cause overall health decline e.g mentally, emotionally, and physically if not taken care of, so as part of a customized senior care plan, we are happy to provide regular assistance with sorting, washing, drying, folding and putting away the clients laundry like garments, undergarments, cloths, sheets, blankets, bed linens, towels, napkins, placements and other kitchen linens. Laundry assistance can help older adults stay safe and healthy, such as having a clean towels, linens and clothing is a key part of living life to the fullest. Wearing fresh, looking fresh makes you look good and feel good about yourself and also boost your over self-esteem, Make positive and healthy choice today by booking your laundry care option 

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Why Laundry So Important?

Looking Clean with clean laundry can help you stay healthy. There is a saying "We Are What We Wear" With time, dirty or unwashed clothing and linens can cause skin irritations, rashes, and infections, inflame your allergies and even cause you to get sick.

There is a close connection between laundry and mental health. If older adult is avoiding laundry or starting to look unkempt, this could be a sign that they are struggling with an underlying mental health challenge, which could be depression, anxiety or social isolation

Book Laundry Care