Downsizing Care
Downsizing SHH

Aging in place is common among older adults, stats shows that 88% of people from 50-80 years want to stay in their homes as long as possible. Some older adults purchase a new home to meet their needs, while others renovate their current house. Why age in Place? according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that "remaining in our homes as we age allows us to maintain quality of life, satisfaction and self-esteem. With these life livelihood in place, it comes with a lot of assessment which affect our needs and preferences as we do home shopping of Must-Haves vs Nice- To-Haves which accumulates faster in the homes or in the basement. When it comes to the time of downsizing, it allows you to realise equity in your house, turn your asset into cash and allow you to live more comfortably and the nicer things in life. 

Downsizing SHH
Book Your Decluttering Service

Decluttering your excess items from the house can turn your home into a place to relax and recharge your mental batteries.  A nice and tidy homes helps aging to sleep better at night and lessen stress, one of many factors that keep you up at night. 

Why is decluttering so important?

Cluttered environments have a negative impact at cognitive level, which leads to drain and leads to reduction in productivity and procrastination. Studies has proved that a clean and organized space promotes better focus, concentration and confidence. If you are looking to downsize or decluttering your space for healthy environment, we will provide you with help, tips and guide that would surely support you at the time of packing, cleaning, and moving. Do not hesitate to give SHH @Papaglo a call.